Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Heavyweight Champ FInkelstein Is Back! (encore!)

Finkelstein must have gotten a parking ticket or something before this taping, because he is in major PWN mode, ready to level any one or thing that stands in his way. The discussion is on the Israeli military assault in Gaza and the punching bag is Raanan Gissin, former adviser to Ariel Sharon. PWNTACULAR!

Heavyweight Champ FInkelstein Is Back!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Norman Finkelstein, who basically pwns any foe on topics surrounding the holocaust or the mideast peace process, gives Israel Charny a lesson in remembrance he won't soon forget. Leave it to Norman to add to his PWNAGE highlight reel during a discussion on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Ron Paul Pwns Kanjorski

Ron Paul lays down the gold standard for how to pwn a Keynesian politician.