Sunday, January 31, 2010

GW Bush PWNS Al Gore

When Bush stands up to address the crowd during the 2000 debate, Al Gore awkwardly follows him. Bush gives a friendly nod, the crowd laughs, and Gore basically pwns himself.

Ahmadinejad PWNS Lee Bollinger

Bollinger's Introduction:

Part 1 (fastforward to 4minutes)

Part 2

Ahmadinejad's Response (first 3 minutes):

Lee Bollinger, who had invited Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia, proceeds to hurl insults at him for 20 minutes before the Iranian president speaks. Bollinger had been pressured by various groups for allowing Ahmadinejad on campus, so he tries to have it both ways and comes off as a total moron as a result. Ahmadinejad makes him look like a fool.

Peter Schiff Gives Professor a Lesson in Austrian PWNAGE

If you know anything about economics, just fast forward past the intro remarks to 48 minutes for the Q+A part. David Epstein, a pro-stimulus Keynesian professor at Columbia, gets pwned so hard trying to defend Obama's economic policy. Schiff stays cool as a gold-backed cucumber the whole time he throws Epstein around.

Ross Perot PWNS Al Gore

This is part 1 of 8, but you get an idea of how entertaining it is. This is the debate that spawned the famous line in Dana Carvey's Perot impression "Can I finish?" Perot is hilarious from start to finish and completely dominates in typical old man style. Al Gore comes off as a total moron and if Perot was unable to convince him he was wrong, history since has.

the rest of it is here:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:

Chomsky pwns Buckley for 20 minutes

Despite Buckley being highly annoying and rude, Chomsky takes him apart, point by point. He was at his fighting weight in those days, but continues to provide some great political pwnage moments these days.

Ron Paul pwns House of Representatives over Iran

Ron Paul, on the floor of the house, explains why new sanctions against Iran are against the national security interests of the United States. The bill was subsequently passed, but the pwnage cannot be denied.

Alan Grayson pwns Federal Reserve Inspector General

Florida Dem Alan Grayson embarrasses the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve, Elizabeth Coleman. She admits she doesn't know where $1 trillion is.

Finkelstein Pwns Crying Girl

This is a great clip, where author Norman Finkelstein lays the SMACK down on a girl who asks a question, while crying, about whether or not Finkelstein appreciates that Nazis are offensive to some people. Just classic stuff. Roll the tape....


Welcome to Politically Pwned!, the internet based blog that provides visitors with snippets of politically associated pwnage. No particular ideologies are backed, the only criteria is that someone of public interest pwns someone else over a political issue.